The Ins & Outs of Content Production

Hi, I’m Jackie!

I’m an independent Executive Producer who specializes in producing productions (big & small) for fashion, lifestyle and home brands, with the ultimate goal of bringing your vision to life through meaningful content.

I provide full scale production services through my company Jackie B Productions, ready to adapt to whatever level of support you may need.

I have a vast marketing background that ranges from large social agency experience to running the marketing team at a startup, so I am super well-versed in a company’s content needs & priorities at each stage of their journey, making magic happen on a budget, AND getting the most use out of content captured to sustain you for as long as possible.






Content Creation

My mission is to help you get the content you need to support your business at its current stage, and teach you how to make it work hard and last long for you.

Do it yourself

I’ll provide a blueprint & some helpful templates for you to run the production yourself. This includes a checklist of what to do, a blank shot list, a schedule outline, a call sheet form, and more!

I'll do it with you

I will consult someone on your team who will run the show with my guidance and direction. Pricing will be determined by the size of the project & how much support is needed. Schedule some time with me and let’s chat through the details!

I'll do it for you

Hire me as a freelance producer for your team, and I'll fully run the production for your project. Everything from creating your shot list to casting to location & crew all the way to your budget, I have you covered! I’ll be on set with you to lead the charge. Pricing will be determined by the scope of the shoot. Schedule some time with me and let’s chat through the details!


I’d love to hear from you!

Shoot me a note at if you want to collaborate or just say hi.

Check out some of my work: